Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Funny kids

Lucy and Crew are both getting so big. Lucy is in a big girl bed now, Crew is crawling and saying Mama all the time. He actually stood up for the first time yesterday too! I started the process of potty training Lucy again. To be honest, it's not going well, but I don't want to quit again. It really isn't fun though. For example, after Lucy peed her pants for the millionth time I asked her if we could change her pants again. Little miss sass said, "No Jose." (no way jose) and walked away. How is it possible to want to strangle her and laugh at the same time? This kid kills me. 

Everything about the video is ridiculous. The song, the pj choice (she dressed herself) and the socks with flip flops. Don't judge..


  1. I cannot get over how freaking adorable your kids are! You two make some cute babies..keep having them :) haha

  2. We love Lucy and Crew-- that video is just super cute. Love you guys.
