Sorry I haven't posted in forever. Life has continued to be hectic! A few weeks ago we found a place in Pleasant Grove and it is perfect for us! It's in a cute little community with tons of grass areas for the kids to play and the pool is literally next door to us! That will definitely come in handy when it gets warm enough to swim! Last weekend the weather got up to the 60s, and it was so nice! One thing Utah has over South Carolina, there aren't bugs in the grass! Well, there probably is, but not killer spiders or palmetto bugs the size of your fist that will lay eggs in your ears. We actually played outside, barefoot in the grass! Unfortunately the temperature outside has dropped again, but we can't wait for it to warm up again so we can spend majority of the day hanging out outside!
See, literally rolling in the killer-bug free grass :) |
The kids each have their own rooms and after sharing a room with Crew for 8 months of his life, I couldn't be more thrilled! Crew moved into an actual crib which has been long overdue, the pack n play got too small for him very quickly! Which means Lucy is finally in a big girl bed! I have been very nervous to make the switch. I think I underestimate Lucy's ability to be a big kid now! She has done awesome with the big girl bed. She knows she can get out of it but so far she stays in great (knock on wood).
Here is a preview of her bed. Her room isn't completely set up yet, when (if ever) I get that done, I will post pictures! |
So this story is about a 2 weeks late, but I know if I don't write it down I will forget. Last Sunday was our first day in our new ward. Everyone seems really nice and I think we will grow to love this ward. As yall know, Lucy is FULL of personality. I have been nervous to be in a new ward. The ward in Summerville was our home. Everyone there knew us, and knew my kids personalities. Especially Lucy. She's hard not to love and wants to be best friends with everyone she meets. So I've been nervous that when we moved she would have to earn everyones love all over again, and I really didn't want it to stall her spirit. Anyway, so during sacrament meeting, Lucy was like having anxiety. Here's a little snip of our conversation--
Lucy: Mom, no nursery
Me: It's fine, nursery will be fun. You will meet new friends and love it.
Lucy: No. Come on Mom, go home.
Me: We can't go home we have to stay and meet new friends and sing songs. Don't you want to sing Sunbeam in nursery?
Lucy: Come on Mom, lets go to Choc I Lay (chick fil a).
Me: Chick fil a is closed Lucy.
Lucy: Come on, Choc I Lay. Chicken and fries and a Coke. Come onnnnnn Mom.
This conversation continued the whole meeting. Then we went into nursery and she she was skeptical at first until she saw the table with stickers. She immediately reached for the nursery worker, Millie, and said "bye mama". I went into Sunday School, which was completely PACKED, and about 15 minutes into our lesson I hear Lucys voice. As I look up Lucy is stand there and as I stand up she sees me and says at the loudest decimal she can achieve, just so everyone in the whole building can hear, "HI MOM! I POOPED!" How's that for a first impression? So after we get her all changed, I'm nervous that she wont want to go back into nursery. Well we get to the door, she opens it, says "Bye Mama!" walks in, throws her hands in the air and goes "I'M BACK!!!!"
I think my worries of Lucy having to earn love are gone. When Lucy wants something, she gets it. She will MAKE this ward love her!!